The Meidum Pyramid Architecture
The Meidum Pyramid Architecture There are countless pyramids in Egypt but the Meidum Pyramid is without a doubt is the most unusual-looking pyramid. It is located on the west bank of the Nile, 80 km south of Memphis, 65 km south of Cairo. It is one of the oldest pyramids in ancient Egyptian history and is most significant as it marks the transition from the early dynastic period to the old kingdom. The Meidum pyramid is assumed to have been built for King Huni, the last pharaoh of the 3rd dynasty, and was
The Meidum Pyramid Architecture

later continued by Pharaoh Sneferu in his 15th. The name of King Huni was not found anywhere on the Meidum Pyramid, and the pyramid was later named Snofru Endures’. and the fact that several of Snofru’s sons were buried there confirms that it was King Snorfu has constructed it. He then he moved 40 km to the north to Dashur, where he constructed the red pyramid and the bent.
The Meidum Pyramid Architecture
The Meidum pyramid was designed in the image of the step pyramid as the main architect was a successor to the well-known Imhotep. The Meidum pyramid unfortunately collapsed as many modifications were made to Imhotep’s pyramid design transforming it into a true pyramid, it looks like a huge tower surrounded by a massive pile of rubble. The pyramid is about 93 m high and was once built with a square base with sides measuring about 114m long. The internal design of the Meidum pyramid is fairly simple but was considered to be a true innovation that became the standard for many generations to come. The entrance of the Meidum Pyramid is located
The Meidum Pyramid Architecture
north above the ground level with a descending passage down the ground level to a horizontal passage leading to two small chambers and at the end of the passage is a burial chamber which is 5.9 by 2.7 m and has no sarcophagus. The ancient builders used the corbelling method to deal with the pressure of the pyramid. Outside the pyramid is a chapel and traces of an enclosure in the wall surrounding the complex, there is also a satellite pyramid, an eastern chapel, and a causeway that heralds the tradition of the old kingdom.