St George Church

St George Church, There are many churches located in the heart of old Coptic

Cairo, but it might be the one that holds its soul. The original

the church was constructed in the 10th century by Athanasius “The 20th Orthodox

bishop of Alexandria” on the northern tower of the fortress of Babylon but was

unfortunately destroyed by a massive fire in the middle of the last century and

a new church built in 1904 and finished in 1909 on top of an ancient Roman

tower in the same built to honor Saint George

who  a Palestinian conscript in the Roman army and  executed in 303

by Emperor Diocletian for practicing Christianity and also rumored to have slain a dragon.

St George Church Design

The church is an active house of worship, it also plays an important role in

the Coptic community as it’s considered the country’s principal Greek

Orthodox Church and the monastery operates as the official seat of the Greek

Orthodox Patriarch of Alexandria. The interior of the church is famous for its

dark incense and pierced by sunbeams through stained glass windows and

St George Church

a beautiful hall that reminisces some of the mameluke period mansions

and displays a 7.6m door that leads to the main hall where the shrine

stands and holds the chains that placed on St. George during his

torture under the Persian king Dadianos. The church also contains

around the foundation for anyone who wants to follow the closed

stairs down to the remains of the old roman tower.

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St George Church

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St George Church
St George Church
St George Church St George Church, There are many churches located in the heart of old Coptic Cairo, but it might be the one that holds its soul. The original the church was constructed in the 10th century by Athanasius...
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