Who is Queen Hatshepsut?

Queen Hatshepsut whose name means “Foremost of Noble Women”

is one of the greatest rulers of ancient Egypt; she was the fifth pharaohs

of the 18th dynasty. In 1508 BC, Hatshepsut was born to King Thutmose

I and his wife Queen Ahmose to be his elder daughter and her grandfather,

King Ahmose. She ruled beside her father despite the ancient Egyptian rejecting

the notion of women ruling them and learned a great deal from him which would

explain how she became one of the most successful rulers in the history of ancient Egypt.

How She Got The Throne of Egypt?

Queen Hatshepsut’s reign as the Queen started when she married her half-brother

Thutmose II in 1492 BC was the son of Thutmose I from a minor wife lady Mutnofret.

He was a man of weak character and poor health, so Hatshepsut ruled Egypt in the

name of the King as his wife. Hatshepsut had only one daughter from her husband

Thutmose II Neferu-Ra. Hatshepsut was elevated to the stature of God’s Wife of Amun,

the second-highest position for a woman in ancient Egypt after the Queen.

Queen Hatshepsut

Hatshepsut was preparing herself to be the pharaoh after her husband died but after

Thutmose II death, the Egyptians rejected the idea of the women ruling them as

a Queen, so they made Thutmose III the king who was only two years old at the

time and Hatshepsut ruled as regent to her step-son. Thutmose III was the son

of Thutmose II from his minor wife Isis. Hatshepsut had influential supporters including

Senenmut her chief minister, helped her to be the true pharaoh with the full authority

of a king, orders to be portrayed with a beard and muscles and appeared in traditional female regalia.

Queen Hatshepsut

the era was prosperous & peaceful as she made friendships with

neighboring countries using trade with the help of great ships, she sent many of

the seaborne trading expeditions to the kingdom of a punt and to the Atlantic

The ocean returned with gold, baboons, myrrh, ebony, wild animals, and more treasures.

She also sent many military campaigns to Syria and Nubia. she made her step-son

Thutmose III a leader in many campaigns, protecting the country and expanding

the Egyptian empire, while she managed the affairs of the country, she married him

to her daughter Neferu-Ra who  given the title of God’s Wife of Amun.

achievement of Queen Hatshepsut

Queen Hatshepsut sought to immortalize her legacy by constructing a number

of incredible constructions like all the great Egyptian Pharaohs. she ordered the

build of a temple at Deir El-Bahri which is considered

beautiful temple in the world designed by her chief minister Senenmut.

The Hatshepsut temple is a perfect enchanting example of ancient Egyptian

classical architecture and holds truly majestic carvings and artworks. The temple

honors the gods especially the creator God Amun. She orders the construction of

most of the obelisks located in the El-Karnak temple plus she remodeled the hypostyle

hall of her father and added two Obelisks. The marvelous unfinished obelisk was

ordered by construction and was able to reveal a great deal about the construction methods of that era.

How Did Queen Hatshepsut Die?

She died in 1458 BC while she was in her mid-40s; she died from an abscess

following tooth extraction and also severed from diabetes plus bone cancer

in her last days. She resizes her father’s tomb so they buried with her father in  Valley of the Kings.

Queen Hatshepsut
Queen Hatshepsut
Who is Queen Hatshepsut? Queen Hatshepsut whose name means “Foremost of Noble Women” is one of the greatest rulers of ancient Egypt; she was the fifth pharaohs of the 18th dynasty. In 1508 BC, Hatshepsut was born to King Thutmose...
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