Scarab Beetle
Scarab Beetle One of the most important symbols in the history of ancient Egyptian civilization is the Egyptian scarab beetle, which was featured in Egyptian art, iconography, and ancient Egyptian religion. It represented life, regeneration, and resurrection. Everything began when the beetle rolled its dung into a ball and laid its eggs in it. The dung acted as food for the young when they hatched, which acts as perfect imagery of life rising from death. The symbol became directly associated with the divine manifestation of the sun god Khepri, the assistant of Ra, who rolls the morning sun disk over the eastern horizon at daybreak. The scarab hieroglyph refers to the ideas of existence, manifestation, development, effectiveness, growth, and divine manifestation.
Egyptian Scarab Beetle Facts
The Egyptian Scarab Beetle was carved from stone or molded from Egyptian faience, they would first be carved from glazed blue or green and then fired up. A soft stone called Steatite that hardened when fired is called steatite. The most common scarabs were the hardstone made from amethyst, green jasper, and carnelian. The beetle symbol came in the shape of an amulet that existed throughout all the periods of ancient Egypt when it first appeared in the late Egypt old
Scarab Beetle
Kingdom (2575-2130 BC), as they evolved from what is known as button seals. They were extremely rare, but by the time of Egypt middle kingdom (1938 1630 BC), they were created in great numbers and used as ornaments and amulets, especially in Egypt’s new kingdom (1539–1075 BC) as a large scarab placed in the bandages of mummies to represent the heart of the deceased. The symbol appeared many times in the holy book of the dead. The Scarab came in the shape of a seal and there were many clay sealings. The Egyptian Scarab Beetle used in describing the titles of officials,
Scarab Beetle
places, even different deities combined with a prayer like ” With Ra Behind, There Is Nothing To Fear” as a sign of a good omen. In the 11th dynasty, the most valuable class of scarabs were the ones that bore royal names. Most of the names of the Hyksosdynastys are known due to the recovered collections of Scarabs. The scarab was imported by ancient traders from the Mediterranean, Mesopotamia, Levant, and the Middle East, even today, scarab is still considered a common product of present-day forgers.