Philae Temple Relocation Process

Philae Temple Relocation Process is without a doubt one of the most beautiful destinations in Egypt. It is considered a true symbol of Egyptian ‘classic’ architecture and the origin place of the Osiris & Isis myth, as it was constructed in 690 AD during the Ptolemaic kingdom to honor the goddess Isis and was believed to be the burial ground of the Osiris. The temple was famous for its incredible allure and elegance, as it featured many works of art and novelists from all over the world.
Reasons for Philae Temple Relocation
The temple was in danger when the British completed the Aswan Low Dam in 1902, which led to the rise of the water levels, causing the entire temple to flood and possibly submerge. The ruling authority at that time made plans to relocate the entire temple to a nearby island, but they just strengthened the temple’s foundations and the architectural supporting structures instead. In 1960, a nightmare happened, the temple was submerged up to its third level in water due to the construction of Aswan High Dam, so UNESCO started a mission against time to save this immortal piece of art.
The Process of Philae Temple Relocation
The rescue operation started by building a cofferdam, three dams surrounding the temple, and an artificial lake to lower the water levels. Then, the monuments were cleaned, measured, and dismantled into 40,000 units, then transported and assembled on Agilkia Island, where they remain today. The temple still attracts a great number of visitors from all over the globe to wonder about its spectacular artistry and brilliance.