Pharaoh Curse

pharaoh’s curse is believed to be a punishment from the ancient Egyptian gods on

the ones who annoy the eternal Rest of the pharaoh. The curse will cause illness,

bad luck, and even death to anyone who disturbs the eternal sleep of the mummy-like Thieves,

Tomb Raiders, and Archaeologists. The curse became very popular all

over the world after the discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb in the

valley of the kings in 1922 by the famous Egyptologist “Howard Carter

despite the fact that many tales about curses existed even dating back to the

19th century. The pharaoh’s curse is known to be a magical phenomenon but

many documentaries had argued that the curse could be real as all the illnesses

Pharaoh Curse

or bad misfortune could be caused by scientific substances like bacteria,

poisonous gas, or even radiation.

On the 4th of November in 1922, an expedition sponsored

by “Lord Carnarvon” led by archaeologist “Howard Carter” and his team

were able to find the resting place of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

The discovery was covered by the global media and was able to grab the world’s attention

and lunch the modern era of Egyptology. Shortly after five months of the discovery,

Pharaoh Curse

the death of “Lord Carnarvon” occurred from blood poisoning, and a number

of the crew started to die in bizarre mysterious deaths. The famous author

Pharaoh Curse

“Sir Arthur Conan Doyle” suggests that “Lord Carnarvon’s” death caused

by mysterious “elements” created by the ancient Egyptian priests to guard

the tombs and their priceless belongings. His statements accompanied by

the weird supernatural deaths created a media frenzy all over the world.

Nowadays, science tells us that the enclosed chambers of the tombs can

harbor a dangerous amount of bacteria and gases that can harm or even

kill anyone who has a weak immune system, and out of the fifty-eight people

Pharaoh Curse

who went inside Tut’s tomb only eleven persons died even Howard carter

himself passed away at the age of 64 in 1939. But there was a huge number

of unfortunate and unexplained events that started happening like the electronic

equipment that began acting funny and most of the crew falling ill with mysterious diseases.

The curse was able to found its way in the modern era through thriller

and horror movies, comic books, video games, and fictional books.

Not everything in this world written in stone, you can choose to

believe whatever you want whether it’s the pharaoh’s magical work from

beyond the grave or it’s a just mere coincidence or its pure science and

let’s not forget that the mind has an unbelievable ability to twist reality into fiction or in this case a work of horror.

Pharaoh Curse
Pharaoh Curse
Pharaoh Curse pharaoh’s curse is believed to be a punishment from the ancient Egyptian gods on the ones who annoy the eternal Rest of the pharaoh. The curse will cause illness, bad luck, and even death to anyone who disturbs...
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