Alexandria Attractions

Shopping In Egypt

Shopping In Egypt Shopping in Egypt is like being in a dream, where all the beautiful natural and man-made artifacts are within your reach at very affordable prices. Egypt is...

Alexandria Library

Alexandria Library Alexandria Library is regarded as one of the largest and most famous libraries in the world and the modern library of Alexandria acts as a commemoration of the...

Pompey Pillar

Pompey Pillar Pompey’s Pillar On a rocky hilltop in the middle of Alexandria lies the biggest memorial column in Egypt, “Pompey’s Pillar”. It is famous for being the only known...

The Catacombs of Kom El Shuqqafa

The Catacombs of Kom El Shuqqafa The Catacombs of Kom El Shuqqafa are the most important tombs in Alexandria and are located in the east of Alexandria. The Catacombs were...

Afterlife and Judgment

Afterlife and Judgment Afterlife and Judgment The ancient Egyptians believed in the continuity of life and consequences. One of the ancient Egyptian’s main ideologies was the afterlife, as they believed...

Alexander the Great

Alexander, the Great Alexander the Great’s History was shaped by men who desired to create an immortal legacy and change the course of destiny, One of those men is Alexander...

Was the Scepter

Was the Scepter Was the Scepter a symbol of power & dominion and an emblem of authority? it was associated with wealth and happiness, associated with ancient Egyptian gods like the god...

supreme 30 Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

supreme 30 Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses “If History Were Taught in the Form of Stories, It Would Never Be Forgotten,” and that’s how Egypt achieved immortality. The Ancient Egyptians...

Giza Necropolis

Giza Necropolis Giza Necropolis The Giza Pyramids have become nearly synonymous with Egypt itself. Their incredible size continues to impress millions of visitors each year, as they struggle to comprehend...

The New Kingdom Egypt Pharaohs

The New Kingdom Egypt Pharaohs New Kingdom Egypt Pharaohs, a.k.a. the Egyptian Empire (1570–1070 B.C.E) is without a doubt the most popular time period in the history of ancient Egypt,...

Shopping In Egypt

Shopping In Egypt Shopping in Egypt is like being in a dream, where all the beautiful natural and man-made artifacts are within your reach at very affordable prices. Egypt is...

Alexandria Library

Alexandria Library Alexandria Library is regarded as one of the largest and most famous libraries in the world and the modern library of Alexandria acts as a commemoration of the...

Pompey Pillar

Pompey Pillar Pompey’s Pillar On a rocky hilltop in the middle of Alexandria lies the biggest memorial column in Egypt, “Pompey’s Pillar”. It is famous for being the only known...

The Catacombs of Kom El Shuqqafa

The Catacombs of Kom El Shuqqafa The Catacombs of Kom El Shuqqafa are the most important tombs in Alexandria and are located in the east of Alexandria. The Catacombs were...

Afterlife and Judgment

Afterlife and Judgment Afterlife and Judgment The ancient Egyptians believed in the continuity of life and consequences. One of the ancient Egyptian’s main ideologies was the afterlife, as they believed...

Alexander the Great

Alexander, the Great Alexander the Great’s History was shaped by men who desired to create an immortal legacy and change the course of destiny, One of those men is Alexander...

Was the Scepter

Was the Scepter Was the Scepter a symbol of power & dominion and an emblem of authority? it was associated with wealth and happiness, associated with ancient Egyptian gods like the god...

supreme 30 Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

supreme 30 Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses “If History Were Taught in the Form of Stories, It Would Never Be Forgotten,” and that’s how Egypt achieved immortality. The Ancient Egyptians...

Giza Necropolis

Giza Necropolis Giza Necropolis The Giza Pyramids have become nearly synonymous with Egypt itself. Their incredible size continues to impress millions of visitors each year, as they struggle to comprehend...

The New Kingdom Egypt Pharaohs

The New Kingdom Egypt Pharaohs New Kingdom Egypt Pharaohs, a.k.a. the Egyptian Empire (1570–1070 B.C.E) is without a doubt the most popular time period in the history of ancient Egypt,...
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